Jesus unexplainable love.

"No woman can be what God wants her to be until she surrenders her will to Gods word and leading of the Holy Spirit."

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

{New blog}

Sorry guys! I failed to update everyone that I had started a new blog.

You can find it here: Godly Womanhood Blog

This new blog was created to encourage, discuss, and grow as women in Christ by His word. I have a heart for seeing women of all ages come to salvation and to a deeper understanding of the God who is one yet triune. My new blog is titled "Godly Womanhood" after a Bible study series I wrote and taught to a group of young college girls and is what I desire for all women to obtain. On this blog, I aim to speak to young girls, women, and leaders alike. I am dedicated to seeing women grow in their knowledge of God so we no longer promote weak theologies that often slip into women's ministry and women's lives. As John Piper says "Wimpy theology makes for wimpy women." I have sat under many women with said wimpy theologies and aim to see an end to this type of teaching and more teaching where women boldly live out their faith. This blog tracks my journey to striving for godly womanhood and aims to bring women alongside with me in this journey. I pray we become women who "count all as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ my Lord" (Phil. 3:8).

Monday, January 9, 2012

happy new year

Guess what is the best thing that happened to me in 2011?
Met him, dated him, got engaged to him
& in 2012 I AM MARRYING HIM!!